Frequently Asked Questions


How long does delivery take?

On average we expect delivery to take approximately 4 weeks. When you order the product(s), they should be at your place in 4 weeks. We apologize to all our customers for the wait. Sometimes packages arrive within 2 weeks, but we suggest our customers to not expect that. Friendly reminder to please check your mailboxes, parcel locker or apt./condo mailbox, because often times the package is not delivered directly at your front door.

Tracking link/number not updating ?

Often times your order is delivered and the link is not updated. Please check your mailbox and PO boxes 3-4 weeks after order even if the tracking link has yet to say “delivered;” your order may already be at your shipping address.

We plan on opening multiple warehouses across North America around mid-late 2023 to cut delivery times to 2 weeks or less!

Will a tracking number be provided with my order ?

Yes. A tracking number is generated with each order, which will be provided within 5 business days of order.

What is special about your collection of products ?

We have surveyed actively-serving paramedics and asked those paramedics what they use and what they want. We have researched products online and checked out many different suppliers. We have purchased many samples for quality assurance assessments.

Where are your products sourced ?

We have been in contact with multiple suppliers around the world, specifically China and North American suppliers. Currently, most of our products are sourced from China. We have a plan to move our operations and ship from North America entirely in late 2023. 

Does Siren Stock provide First-Responder discounts ?

Yes! Any actively-serving paramedic, EMT, firefighter ETC is eligible for a 10% discount. Just send us a message on Instagram or TikTok @Siren_stock from your own page and state your job title. Or email us at for the personalized discount code.